
Introducing Daejeon Institute for Lifelong Education

goldcham 2020. 3. 25. 10:33


Daejeon Institute for Lifelong Education


Daejeon Institute for Lifelong Education operates a variety of lifelong education programs for Daejeon citizens, including <Daejeon Citizen's University>, <Daejeon Delivery Lecture System>, <United Liberalization University> and <literacy education>


<Daejeon Citizen's University> is a program of a representative lifelong education for Daejeon Metropolitan City, which has been in operation since 2013. In 2018, a total of 2,000 regular classes(ten-week classes) were opened, with more than 30,000 adult learners participating, serving as a cradle for Daejeon’s lifelong education.


Besides, there is a <delivery location system> that delivers 2,300 courses (10-week classes), <United Liberalization University> with 2 credits and 4 credits, and a life-long education special course held 100 times a year, and <Daejeon Institute for Lifelong Education> where students can participate anytime, anywhere.


